Enhancing privacy maturity: Why all businesses need strong privacy practices

May 22, 2024

On the topic of myth busting, last week was Privacy Week in Aotearoa. Each day, we debunked a privacy myth on LinkedIn⎯on theme with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand.

A common myth that may organisations believe is that privacy is only for big businesses, when in fact, SMEs are not exempt to caring about privacy.

The business benefits of good privacy practices

Doing right by your customers isn’t just ethical—it’s also smart business. Customers today are more aware of privacy issues than ever before. They want to know their personal information is handled with care and respect. Building a reputation for strong privacy practices can enhance customer trust and loyalty, giving you a competitive edge.

Key questions to assess your privacy maturity

To protect your business and your customers, it’s crucial to develop a robust privacy program that aligns with global standards. Here are some key questions to help you assess and improve your privacy maturity:

Do we know what personal information we hold?

  • Conduct an inventory of all the personal data your business collects, stores, and processes.

Have we mapped out exactly where it is?

  • Determine exactly where this information is kept, both digitally and physically. This can help you manage and protect it more effectively.

Do we have a privacy officer appointed?

  • Designate someone in your organisation to oversee privacy practices and ensure compliance with relevant laws and policies.

Do our customers understand our external privacy policy?

  • Ensure your external privacy policy is clear and accessible. Your customers should understand how their data is being used and protected.

Does the team understand our internal privacy policy?

  • Make sure everyone in your business understands your internal privacy policy. Regular training can help keep privacy top of mind.

Do we even have these policies available?

  • If you don’t already have privacy policies in place, now is the time to create them. These documents are essential for guiding your practices and communicating your commitment to privacy.


No matter the size of your business, prioritising privacy is crucial. It protects your customers, strengthens your business reputation, and ensures compliance with legal standards. So, take the time to get the basics right. It’s always good business practice to do right by your customers, and robust privacy practices are a big part of that.

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